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Affordable Care Act Basics Florida- Health Care Reform Benefits FL

Affordable Care Act Basics West Palm Beach FL

The Affordable Care  Act Basics Florida  (ACA) includes provision design to help ensure that you have access to affordable health care coverage and to limit the cost. Health care reform put you the consumer back in charge of managing your own health care.

1. Dependent coverage extended to age 26 – Children can remain on their parent health plan until age 26 even if they are married. Coverage is not extended to the spouse of dependent children.

2. Guaranteed issue health plan to ensure that Health Insurance Companies offer group and Individual policies to all eligible employer and individual in a State regardless of health status.

3. Eliminate and prohibit coverage limitations or exclusion base on pre-existing conditions.

4. Prohibit or preclude any qualified individual from participation in a clinical trial, or discriminating against that individual based on such participation.

5.  The introduction of 80/20 MLR, Medical Loss Ratio to ensure that at least 80% of a premium dollar paid to a health insurance issuer is spent on providing health care services or quality improvement wellness activities. If they spend less they have to refund excess premium to you.

5. Elimination of annual lifetime dollar limit on eligible health benefits. (EHB)

6. Prohibit Insurer from charging you higher premiums base on health status or gender.

7 Continuity of coverage is extended regardless of medical health condition.

8. Health Insurance Plans-Guaranteed and Guaranteed Renewable.

Affordable care act basics Florida improve overall health care and the delivery of medical care to every community in Florida and all rural health care facilities. Obama care as the Law is now called has changed the health care system to provide affordable health care to individuals and families.

There is more impact to the health system including the growth of Urgent care, more focus on wellness and management of chronic diseases and preventive care.

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MLR- medical loss ratio, Health Insurance Companies must use 80% of premiums collected from you on providing care and wellness.


EHB- essential health benefits, health plans must include Ten essential health benefits including, pregnancy

Kaiser Foundation provides the comprehensive break down and explanation of the Affordable Care Act -Obama health care manage the  Affordable Care Act along with the Agency managing Medicare for people over 65 and those under 65 with disabilities.The Medicaid health insurance program

Insurance department in the State of Florida provide licensing and consumer protection and regulation of Insurance Companies.

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